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Aspen Earth Manufacturing Utah Injection Mould and Tooling Shop

Aspen Earth

Salt Lake City, Utah

High Resolution 3D Scanning

High resolution 3D scanning can be used in quality control processes as well as design processes. A system of high-resolution cameras and lasers allows Aspen to create three-dimensional (3D) computer aided design (CAD) models of physical objects increasing effectiveness and efficiency.
Quality Control Process- Assuring that physical parts meet or exceed defined specifications and tolerances is important in precision injection mold manufacturing. 3D scanning allows for enhanced efficiency in this process. Using this technology, Aspen can create a 3D scan of an injection molded part manufactured with the injection molds tooled at our shop.   This scan is then overlaid with the CAD model of the part and analyzed with metrological software that verifies the part is within accepted tolerances. This method is used to make adjustments to both the physical injection molds and the processing conditions to achieve desirable results.
Design Process- Oftentimes, it is desirable to design and manufacture complimentary products for an existing physical mechanism. Traditionally such new product design requires the expensive and time-consuming process of manually measuring and reverse engineering components for compatibility. 3D scanning equipment allows for efficient recreation of a physical mechanism that can be imported into a computer aided design (CAD) system. After a physical device has been converted to CAD, our design team and efficiently design complimentary components. An Aspen client in the law enforcement space engaged with Aspen to add a lighting system to an existing family of drones to be used in nocturnal SWAT operations. 3D scanning of the intricate and complicated drones allowed Aspen to create these lighting systems to seamlessly integrate with the drone platforms. These lighting systems are now used by many law enforcement agencies as the device was introduced to the market quickly as a result of this efficient design process.

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